Thursday 9 August 2012

How does Facebook tie in with the Life of An AHMADI?

Facebook has become an international obsession. We tell ourselves it’s a way to “stay in touch” or to be “social with friends” but is it really that? I would say that it has become an unhealthy obsession that takes away hours out of many people’s day and creates a deep sense of insecurity as we compare ourselves to others. The goal of this article is to show you that you do NOT need Facebook, the context of the speeches of our Imam regarding Facebook, and that without it you can thrive! Facebook is, contrary to popular myth, not a necessity…

As a social networking platform launched officially in 2004, it grew substantially over the years and today, it has over 901 million users worldwide. But what is it that makes Facebook so popular, and why is that more and more youngsters are beginning to use it? Is it to look ‘cool’, or is it just to ‘keep in touch’ with distant relatives around the globe. Since every individual has their own needs, I will not be concentrating on that but rather focus on what kind of harms Facebook has and why has the Khalifa of the time, the person we claim is the official representative of God Almighty on earth today, advised us Ahmadi [youngsters] to avoid the use of it as much as we can?

Facebook is like most other social networking sites. You can upload photos, add ‘friends’, add your location, you bio; date of birth, birth place, parents, family, current residence amongst others, all that can help anyone out there find out everything about you, your personality and your character. It is, as many say, the perfect social networking site, and that is exactly why many [youngsters] will argue about what can possibly be bad about such a site(s)? Well let me tell you.

Since the increase in popularity of Facebook, you will see more and more news articles being published, day in and day out, about marriage breakdowns, photos being leaked, people threatening others and cyber stalking, among others. For some people, it is also an issue of ‘what if XYZ sees my profile..?’ My question to them would be, why put yourselves into that kind of danger in the first place? It is like showing a well known robber your brand new, shining iPhone and then not expecting them to steal it. When that phone is finally stolen, there is 99.9% chance of no return. Same is the case with Facebook. Once your account is hacked, or a ‘friend’ leaks your photo, there is no coming back.

The common sense of man points out to the fact that when such activities are reported widely in the media, and the Khalifa of God himself, while addressing a gathering of tens of thousands of people, disapproves the use of Facebook, then one should immediately deactivate their account, and respond by saying ‘Labbaiyk Ya Imam..Labbaiyk’. Alas, this is not the case with some.

On the 31st of December 2010, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad, Khalifatul Masih V (atba), in his Friday Sermon delivered from Baitul Futuh Mosque in London, pointed out a few things about Facebook. Whilst mentioning that a Facebook profile had been created in his name without his knowledge, he also said that

I have alerted the Community about Facebook usage before…I also tell people individually to be careful of Facebook as it can have many wrong consequences, in particular girls should be very careful..

At that time, I instantly deactivated my Facebook, knowing that since Huzoor disapproves it, I shouldn’t be using it, and I have been off it since, Alhamdulillah.

However, since this was just a small bit from a sermon focusing on the blessings God has bestowed upon the Jamat, nobody really took it seriously. It was during the Jalsa Salana of Germany, that our Imam, the Khalifa of this time, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad (May Allah Strengthen his hand), gave a very strong and powerful speech, in which he outlined the roles of Ahmadi Muslims, and how we should be staying away from shameful acts. Speaking about the connection between current electronic media (i.e. Facebook) and shameful acts, Huzoor (atba) says:

…Hazrat Masih e Maud (as) came to found a Jama’at, which should take people away from this sinful life. If these people themselves use such electronic media, or things that take them into the sinful life, then THESE people would be forgetting the objective for the foundation of this community..

Continuing his speech, Huzoor (atba) introduces Facebook and says:

…this is something that takes you towards filthy life, and the barriers between the people, and the secrets of the person are easily exposed, and it promotes the nakedness and vulgarity…the one who has made this site, has himself said, that I have made this site because whatever a human being is, he should be completely known to the other person…

Giving an example Huzoor (atba) says:

…that is to say, if a person puts up his naked picture, that is right, and then welcome others to comment on it, is right too, Inna Lillah

Comparing these two quotes mentioned above, one can clearly see that the Khalifa of the time has, himself mentioned a point, and then given an explanation to it. There is no clearer explanation that that, and there should not be any questions regarding that after this either. Huzoor has very clearly mentioned the purpose of the advent of the Promised Messiah (as) in this age; that was to take people away from these [wrong] worldly desires, and to get them on to the path of righteousness and modesty. The Promised Messiah (as) has himself said this, in the Condition of Initiation [Bai’at] number 2:

That he/she shall keep away from falsehood, fornication, adultery, trespasses of the eye, debauchery, dissipation, cruelty, dishonesty, mischief and rebellion; and will not permit himself/herself to be carried away by passions, however strong they might be

and in condition number 6:

That he/she shall refrain from following un-Islamic customs and lustful inclinations, and shall completely submit himself/herself to the authority of the Holy Quran; and shall make the Word of God and the Sayings of the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) the guiding principle in every walk of his/her life

The time at which the Promised Messiah was sent to this world is the time of adultery, trespasses of the eye, dishonesty, rebellion, all that were also predicted by the Holy Prophet (saw) 1400 years ago. The Almighty God had revealed to the Holy Prophet (Peace and Blessings of Allah be Upon Him) about all this, and the servant of this Noble Prophet made it a definite condition, that a person who wishes to enter his community, has to abstain and always watch out for such sinful acts. Now if one does not refrain from the use of Facebook, or similar electronic devices, then they would be seriously disregarding these two conditions outlined by the Promised Messiah (as).  Huzoor (atba) has said about such people:

...thus, those people that do not understand this [instruction], they would sever their ties with the Promised Messiah, because the Promised Messiah’s purpose was to establish righteousness. The one who is not going to be helpful in this regard, he might be counted as a member of the Jama’at, but in the eyes of Allah Almighty that person is not really linked with the Promised Messiah (as)

Here, Huzoor (atba) has very beautifully explained how the use of Facebook and similar electronic media is against the teachings of the Promised Messiah (as). Huzoor has also cautioned us to think and reflect upon our actions, and whether we are doing enough to please Allah Almighty, appear as true servants of the Promised Messiah and in return get Allah Almighty’s blessings; or are we following the road of filthiness, falsehood and fornications. It is us, who have to decide, ‘whether we wish to choose the path of righteousness and piety, or such filthy sources’ that will lead us away from Allah the Almighty.

Many of you reading might be thinking how all that has been mentioned above, is actually linked to Facebook? How is it that Facebook, which [in the eyes of some] is being used carefully by someone, and only ‘approved’ relatives and friends are able to see data uploaded, how is it then possible that someone can say that it leads towards filth and away from righteousness. Let me try to give a few examples.

It is in the human nature, that one is always looking for excuses to explore the activities around us. Of course every individual is different, but there is always this excuse of looking for things. Whilst on Facebook, how many people can say that they have not been tempted to ‘add’ someone they feel is funny, or maybe is a celebrity, or some fashion companies that they feel they can add to check out their latest designs and stock. Whilst I think that checking out new clothing designs and accessories is not wrong, it is wrong then to start ‘adding’ those profiles as it will give them full access to your information. You do not know who it is controlling that account, whether it is the actual company itself or just another ‘fake’ account. Despite all your care in not letting strangers access your information, you will be giving out your details and photos in such cases, where you allow access to such accounts, be it a celebrity or a company.

Another case which ties in with Huzoor (atba)’s thoughts on Facebook, is the uploading of photos in the first place. If you are so inclined towards ‘keeping in touch’ with your friends, surely there would be no reason as to why you wish to upload your photos, as you will be most likely seeing them the next day, or next week. I am sure you could show them using other methods, rather than uploading them online and exposing yourself to everyone?

On the other hand, there are numerous cases in which people have had their photos leaked, despite very careful monitoring of their accounts, by their very own friends. It is also worth noting that when others take photos of you, they have the rights over that photo, and whether they wish to publish it online. If that happens, that photo is up there, and regardless of you getting them to take it down afterwards, people have seen it. In the case of a girl, this goes against the rules of ‘Purdah’.

A lot of people have complained to me over my stance on Facebook. All of them have always raised the same point; Huzoor has not BANNED Facebook. My answer is always ‘Yes I am aware that Huzoor has not banned it…’ . They tend to point their argument to one of Huzoors classes with UK WaqfeNau Khuddam, where one Khadim asked the so called ‘ban’ on Facebook, to which Huzoor (atba) replied:

…when did I say that Jama’at is banning Facebook, I only said that Facebook has more negatives than positives, therefore our youngsters, especially girls [and those with little knowledge of it] should not expose themselves to such an extent, that they themselves become trapped, as there have been cases where girls have been trapped. Also, if you are wanting to very badly stay on Facebook, then stay on it to a very limited extent, don’t overexpose yourself…I can do my work without it, if you can’t then go [use it]

These words here signify different meanings for different people. If someone who is very strong about staying on Facebook, then they will take this argument, present it in their ‘defence’, and then go on to use Facebook. But, on the other hand, we have some people that will take a different approach to these words of Huzoor, while still considering the numerous other times Huzoor has talked and advised the Jama’at about Facebook. Also, when Huzoor (atba) says that ‘I can [as Khalifatul Masih] do my work without…’ then I guess that leaves no room for any arguments against this. If he, the Khalifatul Masih, the Imam and the spiritual leader of millions of Ahmadis across the world, can do his work, which is a lot more than any of us have to do during the day, I guess we should take this as an example and not only get off this [shameless] network, but also bring that change within us, that can increase our spirituality, and enable us to adjust our daily lives to that we can fit in all sorts of contact and work without having to give a second thought about Facebook.

Another issue that is raised by people is that if Facebook is so bad, and is ‘banned’, then why is the Internet not banned on its whole? Well, again I’d say use your common sense. Of course the internet has so much bad in it that one can only say ‘Astaghfaar’. But, to answer that question, I’d like to quote an example.

Alcohol is completely banned and not allowed in Islam. However, that use does not extend to medical use. We will see today that there are many homeopathic medicines that use a small concentration of alcohol in their ingredients. Should we then say that these medicines should be banned? My point is, even though alcohol has been banned, the positive and useful side has not been disregarded. Same is the case with Facebook and the Internet. Where there is an opportunity of Tabligh, Jama’at has set up its own Facebook page, as well as being hosted on the internet to present the beautiful teachings of Islam and Ahmadiyyat.

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